Nintendo Switch Page
My Favorite Games
This game requires tons of Legos: The Lego Movie 2. Enjoy your meal... eating Legos. This is my favorite game because it has a lot of Lego people, Lego weapons, and Lego jewels with prizes in it. My favorite thing to do is hitting open chests to get red jewels that require one red sparkly object that has power. That's mostly it.
This one is about Mario Kart 8. So. What Mario Kart 8 has is a Super Shell, Golden Mushrooms, Green Shells, Red Shells, and all those are powers, and you get 3 mushrooms in a row, or a power up that has EVERYTHING that can turn you into a bullet or make you invincible. And in the crown version, it has another power-up, which is feather that makes you sneeze and jump up high in the air. And that's... all... I... know...